Reasons for a Chin Graft From an Oral Surgeon

Chin Graft Santa Maria, CA

When a tooth is lost, bone resorption occurs, necessitating a chin graft procedure from the surgeon. For many individuals, losing a tooth may not seem like a huge concern at first, particularly if the tooth is not in the front row. But even if the lost tooth does not affect the smile's appearance, there are several practical reasons that it should be replaced. Fortunately, modern technology has made bone grafting a painless procedure for oral surgeons, enabling patients to enjoy their smiles for years to come.

The need for a chin graft

A chin graft treatment augments a depleted jawbone by taking bone material around the chin area. There are several reasons that patients may need chin grafting, both cosmetically and functionally.

Missing tooth

Bone grafting is likely to be required whether a tooth is gone due to extraction or was knocked out by accident. Without the tooth to stimulate the jawbone, it will erode with time, making dental implants more difficult to place. A chin grafting can reinforce the region by restoring the bone where the lost tooth is, thus providing patients with more alternatives for replacing the tooth.

Periodontal disease

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, weakens the jawbone and causes teeth to loosen. Fortunately, it is possible to treat and reverse periodontal disease, and the chin graft procedure can be used to provide a stable foundation for teeth. If the patient has had periodontal disease for a long time, bone grafting may be required to strengthen the bone and support the teeth or dental restoration.

Dental misalignment

Misaligned teeth can lead to gradual bone loss. If teeth are crowded or are entirely out of position, bone stimulation might progressively diminish if the teeth are not realigned. Straightening teeth may be accomplished in various ways, each with its own set of advantages. However, chin grafting may be required to guarantee that the teeth are properly supported after being realigned.

Support for dental implants

An oral surgeon's primary objective for a chin graft is to set up support for dental implants. All the aforementioned factors may ultimately necessitate the use of implants. However, implants may not be feasible unless the supporting bone is sufficiently strong and stable. Bone grafting may restore a lost bone, even if it has been gone for an extended period. When the supporting framework has been repaired, patients may be able to obtain dental implants.

Visit the oral surgeon for an appointment

The oral surgeon may recommend chin grafting treatments for patients to enhance their overall dental health. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, you should see an oral surgeon as soon as possible. The dental professional will assess your condition and determine the best approach. Contact the dental office to book an appointment.

Request an appointment here: or call Wilson Oral Surgery at (805) 910-1213 for an appointment in our Santa Maria office.

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