When to Visit an Oral Surgeon for Jaw Pain Treatment

Jaw Pain Treatment Santa Maria, CA

Jaw pain treatment can provide the relief you seek if you find yourself dealing with a temporomandibular (TMJ) jaw disorder or a dental issue that affects your jaws. There are many possible causes of jaw pain, and an oral surgeon can help with diagnosing and treating it.

The temporomandibular joints are the hinge joints that connect the skull with the jawbone. This joint allows for the upward and downward movement of the jaw, as well as side-to-side movements, allowing people to yawn, chew, and talk. The TMJs are the most used joints in the entire human body, and it is no surprise things sometimes go wrong, given how often they are used. Symptoms often associated with TMJ disorders include neck pain, headaches, ear pain, and jaw pain.

Reasons to visit an oral dentist for jaw pain treatment

Some of the major signs that a person needs jaw pain treatment include:

1. A misaligned or eroded jaw joint disc

The disc in a person’s temporomandibular joint being eroded often leads to jaw pain. These disks serve as a cushion that prevents bone in the TMJ from rubbing against each other. An oral surgeon can help to determine if a patient’s jaw has eroded discs and perform appropriate treatments.

2. Cartilage damage caused by arthritis

It is natural for wear and tear to build up on our bodies as we age, including our joints, which can diminished by years of use. Pain in or around the jaw could signify that cartilage in the temporomandibular joints is starting to wear. Appropriate treatments can be administered once the issue is identified. Oral surgery might be needed to restore damaged cartilage.

3. Damage to connective tissues, cartilage, or bone tissues due to trauma

Trauma to the head or face can damage bone structures in the jaw, including the TMJs. Such trauma might be the result of a vehicular accident or a blow to the face during physical activities. Damaged jaw structures should be repaired as soon as possible since they are more likely to lead to long-term effects like bite issues.

4. Tension headaches

Tension headaches are more likely to affect people who grind their teeth during sleep. Medically termed bruxism, teeth grinding puts pressure on the temporomandibular joint, leading to symptoms like shoulder, neck, head, and jaw pain. Tension headaches often start as a dull ache that worsens over time, and when left untreated, they can lead to other issues like difficulty opening and closing the mouth.

5. A visibly bad bite

A malocclusion or bite misalignment could lead to issues like jaw pain, excessive tooth wear, and difficulty speaking or eating. An oral surgeon can administer treatments that help to improve the alignment of the patient’s teeth, often bringing an end to their pain.

Treatment options

Though self-care strategies can be effective for some patients, many require further treatment for TMJ pain and jaw joint problems. Conservative treatments are typically the first line of defense against jaw pain. Some of the conservative treatments an oral surgeon might recommend include:

  • Using ice or heat to reduce the pain
  • Using a stabilization splint or mouthguard to minimize the damage done by teeth-grinding
  • Prescribing muscle relaxers
  • Prescribing pain medication or trigger-point injections
  • Low-current transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

Some of the treatment options an oral surgeon might explore when conservative treatments fail include:


This minimally invasive surgical procedure involves inserting a needle into the TMJs to remove fluid and debris that might be causing their pain. Local anesthetics are administered at the start of the treatment, and patients stay awake through it.


This surgical procedure involves making tiny incisions in the mouth and inserting a flexible, thin camera into a patient’s jaw joints. This allows the surgeon to observe the structures inside the joint and repair any damage.


This procedure is also called joint replacement surgery and entails making incisions in the patient’s mouth to access their TMJs. The surgeon then removes any diseased or damaged tissues before replacing damaged joints with artificial ones.

Put jaw pain behind you

Jaw pain can be quite debilitating, and it can impact your ability to open your mouth, chew, or speak. The first step toward getting the relief you seek is consulting with an oral surgeon to diagnose the cause of your pain. Dealing with jaw pain? Give us a ring or stop by our Santa Maria clinic to consult with our oral surgeon and explore jaw pain treatment options.

Request an appointment here: https://www.centralcoastoms.com or call Wilson Oral Surgery at (805) 910-1213 for an appointment in our Santa Maria office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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