The Process of a Single Tooth Implant

Single Tooth Implant Santa Maria, CA

A single tooth implant is arguably the closest thing to a real tooth. Implants are designed to last a lifetime so most people never need replacements once they are placed. Implants are rods or screws that are inserted into a person’s jawbone to replace lost teeth roots. They serve as anchors for implant crowns that are placed on them to replace the patient's lost tooth. Other restorations like dental bridges and dentures can also be attached to implants to replace missing teeth.

Single tooth implants provide a permanent solution for missing teeth, and they feel and look natural in the mouth. Those who replace missing teeth with implants get to return to how life was before they lost any teeth. Unlike other teeth replacement options like dentures, implants do not need specialized maintenance. Brushing and flossing are all these dental appliances need to keep them in pristine condition.

Implants are the only replacement for missing teeth that prevent the bone tissue breakdown that occurs when teeth are lost. The jawbone starts to deteriorate due to not getting the stimulation it needs to remain healthy. Implants replace lost roots, which allows them to transfer bite forces into the jaw, giving the tissues there all the stimulation they need. Dentures and bridges do not address bone tissue breakdown.

What to expect when getting a single tooth dental implant

A single tooth implant is typically recommended when a patient is only missing a tooth. Implants are often combined with restorations like dentures and bridges when patients have multiple missing teeth. Getting a missing tooth replaced with an implant starts with a consultation with a dentist.

During the appointment, the patient’s suitability for a single tooth implant is determined by going over their dental and health history. People who have health issues that might prevent them from healing properly after implant placement might have to explore other alternatives. The same applies to patients who drink heavily or consume tobacco products. These things hinder the body's ability to heal, increasing the risk of complications after implant surgery.

Dentists also go over how thick a patient’s jawbone is before clearing them for implants. For implant placement to be successful, patients must have enough thickness in their jaw to hold the implant in place without it reaching the nerves at the bottom of the jawbone. Patients who lack the required thickness will need bone grafts to thicken their jaws before proceeding with implant installation.

The process

Once a patient has been cleared for implant installation, a date is set for the procedure. During the first procedure, the patient is numbed with a local anesthetic, and the surgeon makes an incision to access the jawbone. A small dental drill is used to make a hole in the jawbone for the implant. Then, the implant is placed in the hole, and the patient’s gum tissues are sutured up to complete the first half of the treatment. Patients then wait up to six months for tissues around the implant to fuse with it via osseointegration.

During the second procedure of the implant process, the patient’s gum tissues are reopened so an abutment can be placed on it. The abutment serves as a base for the implants. The patient’s gums are stitched up once again, and impressions might be taken to make the patient’s replacement tooth. The final part of the procedure involves placing the implant crown on the abutment. The missing tooth and its functionality are fully restored at this point.

Recovering after getting implants

Patients often experience some tenderness and swelling after implants are placed. Any discomfort caused can often be managed by over-the-counter medication, and a dentist might prescribe stronger pain relievers. Patients should avoid hard or chewy foods while the implant is still fusing with bone tissues around it.

Patients should show up for any follow-up appointments scheduled by their dentist since these visits allow them to monitor their recovery. Most of the discomfort caused by implant placement should be gone in one or two weeks.

Get a permanent replacement for your missing tooth

A dental implant restores the appearance and functionality of a missing tooth while preventing bone tissues in the jaw from breaking down. Give us a call or visit our Santa Maria clinic for a consultation with our dentist and find out if implants are right for you.

Request an appointment here: or call Wilson Oral Surgery at (805) 910-1213 for an appointment in our Santa Maria office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Implants in Santa Maria, CA.

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