Warning Signs That Wisdom Tooth Extraction Is Needed

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Santa Maria, CA

Wisdom tooth extraction is a common procedure in dentistry. It involves the removal of one or more wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth grow in some individuals between the ages of 17 and 21. In some cases, if wisdom teeth cause problems, your dentist or oral surgeon may recommend removing them. Keep reading to find out when wisdom tooth removal is necessary.

Wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are often the last set of permanent teeth to erupt in the mouth. Sometimes, wisdom teeth are impacted. These teeth often do not have enough space to erupt in the mouth or develop normally. This can lead to several problems. Many dental providers recommend wisdom tooth extraction if a patient experiences changes in the area of those teeth. These changes include pain, cysts, infection, tumors, damage to nearby teeth, and tooth decay.

Pain and irritation

As the third molars grow in, they can cause pains and aches. If an individual experiences pain or discomfort, it is advisable to contact a dental provider for an exam and an X-ray. The dentist can determine the source of the pain, which could be the actual wisdom teeth or other factors. The dental professional will not always decide that extraction is the ideal option. Sometimes, the pain may subside, and wisdom tooth extraction will not be necessary.

People should never ignore pain associated with teeth. A dental issue that causes pain may sometimes be able to be addressed quickly. But when left untreated, the problem may end up becoming worse and harder to treat. When it comes to wisdom teeth, initial pain may progress to severe pain and eventually to a serious infection.

Inflammation around the gums

In some cases, when wisdom teeth start to emerge, they can create a flap of gum tissue. This flap often traps food particles and debris as well as bacteria. Tissue around the teeth can end up becoming swollen and inflamed, making it hard to clean properly. This is a condition referred to as pericoronitis. It can also happen around a wisdom tooth that is still under the gums. It is often a common reason many people seek care for wisdom teeth.


The wisdom tooth usually develops in a sac within a person’s jawbone. In some cases, the sac can fill with fluid and form a cyst. Cysts often start to develop when the symptoms of wisdom teeth are ignored. If the cyst is not treated, it may end up damaging the jawbone, teeth, as well as the nerves. In very rare cases, a tumor may develop. This problem may require the removal of bone and tissue.

Extensive tooth fracture

Sometimes, a dental fracture can extend from the top or side of the crown down to the jawbone. This can cause severe, sharp pain. The extraction must happen immediately. Delaying the extraction may cause more serious complications.

Gum infections

An infection in the gums and teeth is another reason for possible dental extraction. Severe decay and infection will need an emergency extraction. At this stage, the tooth does not respond to medications anymore. Root damage may also be aggravating the pain. This is another reason for immediate dental extraction.

Immuno-compromised patients tend to be more vulnerable to dental infections. These are patients who have autoimmune diseases, chemotherapy, and organ transplant surgery. Healing after the dental extraction is important. It prevents more infections from happening. Dental extraction can help drain the infection from the gums as well.

Impaction and overcrowding

Dental impaction is a painful situation. It involves a tooth that cannot emerge above the gumline. The impacted tooth puts pressure on the gums and surrounding teeth. It also encourages infection.

Overcrowding is one of the main causes of dental extraction. Teeth develop, but there is not enough space for them. Orthodontic treatment is necessary to adjust the teeth and align them. The straightening will reduce the pressure against the surrounding teeth. Some of the teeth may need removal to provide enough space for the rest of the teeth.

Loosening teeth

There are cases when the dental roots are too damaged or loose to repair. This loosening can invite bacteria into the gums and jawbone. Extracting loose teeth can fight more severe problems. This procedure can also stop persistent pain.

When to see a dental professional

The decision to remove one or more wisdom teeth is not always clear. For your benefit and health, it is essential for your wisdom teeth to be evaluated by an oral surgeon or dentist. This is recommended, especially when there is evidence of changes in the mouth like pain and infection. The practitioner will recommend the ideal course of action, depending on your situation.

Are you considering wisdom tooth extraction in the Santa Maria area? Get more information at https://www.centralcoastoms.com.

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